Professional development with us !

The Chapter conducts professional development sessions on a regular basis so that its members are abreast of the latest developments in the field of finance, accounting, law and technology. Sessions on improving soft-skills and presentation skills have also been conducted to assist Chapter members adapt to the Australian work environment. The Chapter conduct these professional sessions of 'technical nature' on a quarterly basis and are offered to the Chapter members for free.

This page provides an overview of Technical sessions conducted by the Chapter in last few months. 

5 reasons why Australians Love Trusts (September 2022)

Joyce Ong Co-founder, Tax Nuggets Academy presented an interactive session on Trusts.  Explained in simple English definition of a Trust, processes of setting up and pros and cons of having one. for tax planning purposes.

5 reasons why Australians Love Trusts  

Exploring digital risks and key controls (September 2022)

Digital risks are becoming more pronounced in three distinct categories resilience, cyber, and customer value and experience. Vineet Arora presented session on managing cyber risks and implementing key controls to mitigate risks.

Exploring digital risks and key controls

Capital Gain Tax - Main Residence Exemption and Investment Property (March 2022)

The real-estate market has been bubbling for a long time now and there is no bursting in sight!   Each one of us is either looking to buying for investment, buying to live-in, selling to downsize or upsize and some of us mobile-screen shopping to see what is affordable on the market.   Through all these, the first thought we the Chartered Accountants have is tax impact!!!  On 16 March 2022 we joined for a great discussion with CA Arvind Singh on Capital Gains Tax – Investment property and Main residence. The session was not recorded but the presentation is available for your perusal here. 

Capital Gain Tax - Main Residence Exemption and Investment Property

Webinar on Management through Uncertainty (May 2020)

The first webinar for year 2020 was held on 27th May, 2020. The topic of the webinar was “Management through Uncertainty” and it was presented by Kevin Higgins, Executive Director at Vantage Performance, QLD. Kevin has 20 years of experience in transformation and restructuring. 

The webinar was presented exclusively to the members of Brisbane Chapter of
ICAI and it was well attended by 19 members. Kevin discussed about turnaround management strategy including following key topics:  

  • Key challenges in dealing with a rapid growth or under-performing·client 
  •  Five stages of decline of a business and early warning signs of decline·
  •  Safe Harbour and its purpose·
  •  How to implement turnaround strategies and help businesses grow·

The session was very informative and described how an accountant can help businesses grow during these uncertain times. This was followed by a Q&A session.

Technical Session on Excel Data Analysis (Feb 2020)

The first technical session for 2020 was held on Excel Data Analysis on the 27th February, 2020 at the premises of Queensford College, Brisbane. The session was conducted by our very own member and Vice Chairperson, Mansi Thakar.

The session was well attended with 14 members attending and some representation from the Queensford College staff. Mansi did an excellent job in taking us through some key elements of Excel which could help us in our daily professional life. These included: - Excel key board shortcuts; Filter and Data Sorting; Conditional Formatting; Most Used Excel formulas; Pivot tables; Charts in excel and a Sneak peek into dashboard reporting. The session was very interactive and strong participation from the attendees.

AASB16 – Lease Accounting (Oct 2019)

The recent developments in IFRS16 were presented and discussed by Sidharth Bansal, a fellow member of our Brisbane Chapter. Sidharth has extensive experience in IFRS/USGAAP related technical accounting matters and shared his knowledge and experience with other fellow members of the Chapter.

The new accounting standard AASB16 and some of the key concepts of the accounting standards were explained in a concise manner with the help of useful illustrations. The presentation also discussed the purpose of introducing the new accounting standard and the benefits it offers.

This was followed by a Q&A session with people who are currently working in various accounting roles across different industries which further enhanced the knowledge of practical challenges being faced by corporates and the solution thereof.

Cloud Computing (April 2019)

Cloud computing is a product of technological advancement that has revolutionized all industries and professions. Therefore, Mr. Vineet Arora from Ernst & Young conducted a 2 hour long session on Cloud Computing, to keep the members informed of the latest developments in the field of cloud computing. 

In the session, members get to know about Cloud computing, different types of cloud models. Benefits and risks associated with cloud, importance of security in cloud and auditing requirements for a cloud environment. The session was formally wrapped up with active participation of all members in an open discussion about cloud computing.

The session was well attended by more than 15 professionals including non-members. The members not only got the opportunity to learn about this important subject but also had networking opportunity with other fellow professionals.

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