Have a query about the chapter or its professional events, newsletters, social events etc. ? Check out the frequently asked questions below.
Is Brisbane chapter branch of Australian chapter of ICAI, Sydney? No. Brisbane chapter is an independent incorporated organisation registered in Brisbane with office of Fare & Trading.
How much is the annual membership fee and when fee is due? Annual membership fee at present is $50 and falls due on 1st July every year. Amount of membership fess is revised by management committee from time to time.
How do I join the Chapter? We are glad that you are joining this Chapter. Please complete the Members Particulars Form and email it to us at chairman.brisbane@icai.in. You will also be required to pay the annual membership fee. Chapter's Bank Account details are provided in Members Particulars Form.
Where technical sessions are held? Technical sessions are primarily held in and around Brisbane with public transport/car park access.
Does member get CPE credit for attending technical sessions in Brisbane? Members will get CPD hours for technical sessions approved by ICAI.
Are technical sessions streamed online? Not at present. However, we are looking into it and will provide this facility to our members living far off.
Are regular networking events organised for benefit of members? Yes. There are opportunities for networking in every technical session. Besides we also organise family social events where you may find like-minded family friends.
Is Brisbane chapter point of contact for ICAI e.g. for submitting forms etc.? Yes. We assist our members to sort out issues with ICAI. Approaching ICAI through the chapter expedites the resolution process.
Can a member of ICAI but not member of Brisbane chapter attend technical sessions organised by the Brisbane chapter? We encourage all professional associates to become member of the chapter.
Can Chapter arrange for some jobs for me and my family in Australia? We are not a recruitment agency. However, we provide support to our members in finding job by circulating jobs available in members’ organisations, circulating CVs to wider network, career guidance by senior fellow members.
Does chapter help the Children of the members to get admission into Australian schools? No we cannot.
Can I look for Chapter’s help to find out accommodation for my family? We can circulate your need amongst members.
Can we get local CA/CPA qualification with the help of the Chapter? Members of the chapter will provide you guidance to achieve this.
Can I pay membership fees after I settle down and get a job? We analyse hardship of individual members and may defer fee payment with mutual understanding.
Is there any other commitments than paying fees to the Chapter? We encourage you to attend all events of the chapter. This will widen your horizon.
Reach out to us through Contact us page.
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